Top o’ Hill Terrace – Bus Tour with Adult Refreshments
Vickie Bryant, Curator, Top o’ Hill Terrace, Tour of Top o’ Hill Terrace from Tearoom and Casino to Baptist University
12:30—1:00 pm – Arrive at parking, First Presbyterian Church lot, 1000 Penn St, Fort Worth (across from Trinity Terrace)
1:15 pm – Departure on charter bus – snacks and adult beverages served
2:00—4:00 pm – Tour Museum
5:00 pm – Return to First Presbyterian Church lot
What began as a tearoom evolved into an illegal casino that drew the likes of Frank Sinatra, Ginger Rogers, and John Wayne. Today, Top O’Hill Terrace is part of Arlington Baptist University which has preserved the history of the site and collected hundreds of artifacts under the supervision of our guide, long-time curator Vickie Bryant. Even if you’ve visited in the past, join us to see new exhibits and explore the restored tunnel that helped gamblers escape the law. Snacks and adult beverages will be available on the bus.